After a daytrip spent at the beach, we were enjoying the sunset as we crossed the bridge driving home. Cruising along, we saw a police car speeding up behind us with its lights flashing and siren blaring as the bridge lane indicators turned red. We moved to the left as the flashing lights passed us on the right. Up ahead we see a car stopped just in front of the cruiser and I slow down. The officers were out and looking in the stopped car with their flashlights and over the edge. Quiet and sadness filled our car as we realize what just happened. If you find yourself having dangerous thoughts about your life, please call 800-273-TALK (8255) or 911.
The days can be beautiful, but not all days are so. Sometimes people can get stuck in a bad rut, feeling that the problems of life can be just too much. Some people are struggling with a hidden burden-in their mind, in their body or from outside. One may not be able to see a way out of a difficult situation or how to overcome an embarrassing event. Necessary medications can even have devastating effects on one’s mind, immediately or over time. Dark feelings can even come from feeling alone or over stimulated. If this is you, reach out to a friend, a doctor, a priest, a waitress at a diner or just call 800-273-TALK (8255) or 911. Your life is valuable and needs loved.
There are some events in life that we don’t think to prepare ahead of time that need quick reactions and calm thinking. One of those such events is when someone is at the end of their rope with a weakening grip. Very few people have the necessary training for a situation such as this. So what can you do? You stay with them. You give them an ear to speak to. You can offer to get them support that can help. But first is to stay with them. Sometimes a person only needs company for a short time, to walk with them through the darkest part of the path until the light returns. Once on the other end, you can help arrange for professional movers to help them carry their burden which is just too heavy. Simple things like a soft voice and a calming presence may provide enough light in the darkness. If your grip is weakening, please call 800-273-TALK (8255) or 911.
The three photos in this series have had a darker tone to the caption. I’ve been involved with a few close calls with friends that ultimately turned out ok. But I’ve also been adjacent to times where they didn’t. I like to post photos and small stories, but occasionally I’ll post more serious topics that may provide benefit in a different way.