
The sheer power of water is incredible. Slowly, over time it continuously wears down rock, removing the smallest pieces, one at a time. You can’t see it but it’s happening. The Grand Canyon is over 6,000 feet deep. That’s over four times what the Empire State building is high. Water can also come on quickly. The beautiful canyons in Arizona with the bands of colored sand and stone are gorgeous to hike through, but also very treacherous. Rainstorms from miles away can bring walls of water crashing through in speeds too fast to avoid. Water’s power isn’t limited to small areas either. The Tsunami that hit the day after Christmas in 2004 affected Thailand, India, Sri Lanka as well as countries as far away as Somalia and Madagascar amongst others. Even water that seems gentle can be dangerous. Slight flooding that covers a road, only a few inches deep is enough to slide cars around and pull them into a stream. Water is dangerous but water is also beautiful, water is peaceful to sit beside, water cleans.

Rushing rivers, tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods. Water is able to change the landscape in a moment or over time. Each body of water is made up of small drops. Drops that fall individually from the air and gather together, slowly adding up. Just like drops of water, small actions can make a huge difference in ourselves and our world. If we can make one small action, then repeat it, our efforts can move mountains. But if you try, and your attempt fails, do not give up. Just like the one drop of water by itself will soon dry and disappear, it will fall again to the earth. Perhaps this time two drops may fall. Eventually, those drops will turn into a storm.