The Power of the Sunrise

Sunrise in Annapolis. This past summer, a planned trip to a glorious vacation to paradise was postponed. Fortunately, a close approximation to paradise is not far off. One of the things I like to do on vacation is wake up early and watch the sunrise in someplace new. So, for staycation, a trek was in order and the heavens cooperated. Watching the sunrise is a great start to the day, especially if it is bright and full of color.

Often as I watch the sunrise, thoughts creep into my mind of the tasks that need to be done that day. As I watch, my mind is pulled to if the best part of the sunrise is over and it is time to move along. This morning I was packing up, I turned to take one last glimpse and saw these paddleboarders heading my way. Fumbling, I was able to get my camera out just in time. I was lucky to have waited just long enough to catch them. It’s true what they say about patience, and it paid off this day.

There is something grand about the hours of sunrise and sunset.  Colors become more vibrant, the temperature changes, the animals are more active, and a soft breeze can be felt.  I understand the science behind these events, but what can’t be define…

There is something grand about the hours of sunrise and sunset. Colors become more vibrant, the temperature changes, the animals are more active, and a soft breeze can be felt. I understand the science behind these events, but what can’t be defined as easily are the feelings it can bring out. This can be a time for peace and contemplation- that this time is a gift. To slow down. To breathe. To take in the beauty of all creation and see that it is good.