The Battering Waves of the Chesapeake Bay

The Thomas Point lighthouse was originally constructed in 1825.  It fell into disrepair from erosion and winter ice flows, but was rebuilt several times in the almost 200 years it has existed.  It is different than most lighthouses that exist.  It is shorter as the soft ground of the bay which it is built upon cannot support the weight of a tall tower.  The lighthouse was manually operated until 1986 and remains the last of the original Chesapeake screwpile cottage lighthouses. 

At the end of a road there is a tiny peninsula that juts out into the Chesapeake Bay.  Its quite strongly fortified.  There are strong rocks around its shore larger than are typical of the area and they are all similarly sized-you can tell they weren’t there naturally.  I would guess they were brought in to protect against the constant onslaught of the bay’s waters.  The question is, what are they protecting?  There is a small grassy area with a lone tree.  Was the tree present before the rocks or brought in after?  That’s a lot of work and effort to protect a space so small.  I’m thankful to whoever provided the labor and hope they did it with joy.  It’s beautiful and peaceful to look out upon.  When the tree gets bigger, it will be a wonderful place to sit beneath in the summer.

I'm not sure what it is about this old pier, but I'm drawn to it. I go by it often and look at it from different directions. I can feel there is a great photo here waiting to happen, but I haven’t quite gotten it right. I like this one, but it's not the one. There will be more...